Répertoire International des Sources Musicales

Salve regina - 3vv


Name Anonymous
Standardized title Salve regina
Scoring summary 3vv
Title on source Salve regina
Work Anonymous: Salve regina ; 3vv
RISM ID No. 1000002352

Canonic Technique(s)

Type unison canon: 3 ex 1
Imitation interval unison
Temporal offset 9 breve(s) in [c.]

Library information

Library siglum GB-Lbl Royal MS 7.A.VI


Work number 1.1.1
General note There is no indication that this is a canon in the MS other than the intrinsic character of the melody; the canon was recognised by Sandon (1982)
PAE Code


Total scoring Vocal parts - 3 in 1, unlabelled equal voices (3)

Material description

Type Manuscript copy
Parts held Vocal part
Extent (parts) f.35v-36


Bibliographic reference Sandon 1982 , 48-53, 53-54 (edition)

Index terms

Subject heading Chace
Language of text lat

Related Titles

Parent record 1000002351 Royal Manuscript 7.A.VI