=001 1000002143 =031 ##$a5$b2$c1$eCanon Quilibet manebit in sua vocatione$gC-5$m[T]$oc2$p0--%c-11-1.A4GFGAB''C2'B1A2G4AGFE1F9E0-$qf.9v. The 2 in the mensuration sign is reversed five out of six places in this motet cycle. =031 ##$a5$b2$c2$gF-5$m[B]$oc2$p0--%c-31.D4C,B'CDEF2E4DCDC,BA1B9A0-$qf.10 =040 ##$aAuArU$beng =100 1#$aAnonymous$02243 =240 10$aDomine quis habitabit: secunda pars$m4vv$0530 =245 10$aS[e]c[un]da / Nec fecit proximo suo malum =260 ##$c1520$801 =590 ##$aVocal parts - [T],[B]$bf.9v-10$801 =593 ##$aPrint$801 =594 ##$bVocal parts - 4 in 2, unlabelled voices =650 07$aMotet$06 =650 07$aPsalm$027 =691 #7$aAntico 1520 ed Thomas$n18-19$0551 =695 ##$adouble canon$b2$c4$dex$e7th$fbelow$g4$hbreve(s)$oC2$01869 =773 18$w1000002134 =930 1#$aAnonymous: Domine quis habitabit ; 4vv$045