Répertoire International des Sources Musicales

Ha que ville et abominable - 3vv


Name Antoine Busnoys (c. 1430-1492)
Standardized title Ha que ville et abominable
Scoring summary 3vv
Title on source A que ville est abhominable
RISM ID No. 1000001390

Canonic Technique(s)

Type unison canon: 3 ex 1
Imitation interval unison
Temporal offset 2 breve(s) in [¢]

Library information

Library siglum F-Dm MS 517


Work number 14.1.1
Rubric Trinus in unitate
PAE Code


Total scoring Vocal parts - 3 in 1; C1, [C2], [C3] (3), Vocal parts - A, T, B (3)

Material description

Type Manuscript copy
Extent (parts) f.XVv-XVI (18v-19)

Further information

General note Two additional voices appear on the facing recto "Tenor solus cum bazitonente at alto" which provide an alternate three-voice, non-canonic version

Index terms

Subject heading Rondeau
Language of text French

Related Titles

Parent record 1000000194 NA