Répertoire International des Sources Musicales

Tousiours servir ie veuil la souce fleur - Rondeau; Canon; 4vv, 4 ex 1


Name Anonymous
Standardized title Tousiours servir ie veuil la souce fleur
Subheading Rondeau
Scoring summary 4vv, 4 ex 1
Arrangement statement Canon
Title on source Cypriot-French
RISM ID No. 1000000477

Canonic Technique(s)

Type unison canon: 4 ex 1
Imitation interval unison NA
Temporal offset 3 breve(s) in 

Library information

Library siglum I-Tn MS J.II.9


Work number 1.334.1..x.x
Title of movement, tempo rondellet
Rubric Canon. Se vous voles ce rondellet chanter, A quatre le chantes sans oblier / fuiant de trois tans et non plus Ainci seres de ce fait au dessus

Material description

Further information

General note NA

Index terms

Language of text French

Related Titles

Parent record 1000000025 Cypriot-French