Répertoire International des Sources Musicales

Lavandose le mane e 'l volto bello - 2vv


Name Anonymous
Standardized title Lavandose le mane e 'l volto bello
Scoring summary 2vv
Title on source Lauandose le mane el uolte bello
Work Anonymous: Lavandose le mane ; 2vv
RISM ID No. 1000000474

Canonic Technique(s)

Type unison canon: 2 ex 1
Imitation interval unison
Temporal offset 8 breve(s) in .sp.

Library information

Library siglum V-CVbav MS Rossi 215


Work number 2.1.1
Voice/instrument [C]
General note Six line staff; This incipit shows the ritornello only in transcribed values. Terzetti are set in .q.
PAE Code


Total scoring Vocal parts - 2 in 1: C1, C2 (2)

Material description

Type Manuscript copy
Parts held Vocal parts
Extent (parts) f.1v

Further information

General note Partially canonic ritornello; secundus = comes is written out. The tercetto in .q. is non-canonic.


Bibliographic reference CMM 8 , ii, 56
PMFC 8 , 56
Sucato 2003 Rossi , no.2, 96-97

Index terms

Subject heading Madrigal
Language of text Italian

Related Titles

Parent record 1000000024 Rossi Codex