=001 1000000474 =031 ##$a2$b1$c1$gC-4$m[C]$o.sp.$p9.FE1.F+2FED1C4,{BA}2G1AF2GF1G2A9A4GA9.bB1.'C2C1-$qSix line staff; This incipit shows the ritornello only in transcribed values. Terzetti are set in .q. =040 ##$aAuArU$beng =041 0#$aItalian =100 1#$aAnonymous$02243 =240 10$aLavandose le mane e 'l volto bello$m2vv$0729 =245 10$aLauandose le mane el uolte bello =500 ##$aPartially canonic ritornello; secundus = comes is written out. The tercetto in .q. is non-canonic. =590 ##$aVocal parts$bf.1v$801 =593 ##$aManuscript copy$801 =594 ##$bVocal parts - 2 in 1: C1, C2 $c2 =650 07$aMadrigal$016 =691 #7$aCMM 8$nii, 56$0380 =691 #7$aPMFC 8$n56$0130 =691 #7$aSucato 2003 Rossi$nno.2, 96-97$0239 =695 ##$aunison canon$b1$c2$dex$eunison$g8$hbreve(s)$o.sp.$01957 =773 18$w1000000024 =852 ##$aV-CVbav$cMS Rossi 215$eBiblioteca Apostolica Vaticana$x87 =930 1#$aAnonymous: Lavandose le mane ; 2vv$048