Répertoire International des Sources Musicales

Talent m'est pris de chant comme li coccu - 2vv


Name Anonymous
Standardized title Talent m'est pris de chant comme li coccu
Scoring summary 2vv
Title on source Der sumer kumt
RISM ID No. 1000000436

Canonic Technique(s)

Type unison canon: 3 ex 1
Imitation interval unison NA
Temporal offset 7 breve(s) in c.

Library information

Library siglum F-Sm 222 C. 22


Work number 92.1.1
PAE Code


Total scoring Vocal parts - 2 in 1; C1, [C2] (2)

Material description

Type Manuscript copy
Parts held Vocal part
Extent (parts) f.59v

Further information

General note Contrafacted: "Der sumer kumt" (2vv; Str, WoA, WoB), "Von frömden stimmen" (2vv?; Str) and "Die Minne fuget" (3vv; WoA, WoB); "Es ist geporn ain kindelein” (CZ-VB 1 VB 8b, fol. 118r-119r) (identified by Regina Schmidt); NB. NL-HELga is now in NL-EINrhc; modified form in Prague MS is palindromic (Reese 1940)

Index terms

Subject heading Circular canon
Language of text French

Related Titles

Parent record 1000000015 Strasbourg Manuscript (destroyed)