Répertoire International des Sources Musicales

Le Lay de confort (L17: S'onques dolereusement ... - Lai; Continuous canon; 3vv in 1 (x12 chaces)


Name Guillaume de Machaut (c1300- 1377)
Standardized title Le Lay de confort (L17: S'onques dolereusement sceus faire tristement / Que en terre n'a element ne planetten firmament)
Subheading Lai
Scoring summary 3vv in 1 (x12 chaces)
Arrangement statement Continuous canon
Title on source NA
RISM ID No. 1000000412

Canonic Technique(s)

Type unison canon: 3 ex 1
Imitation interval unison NA
Temporal offset 4 breve(s) in 
Type unison canon: 3 ex 1
Imitation interval unison NA
Temporal offset 6 breve(s) in 
Type unison canon: 3 ex 1
Imitation interval unison NA
Temporal offset 5 breve(s) in o
Type unison canon: 3 ex 1
Imitation interval unison NA
Temporal offset 6 breve(s) in o

Library information

Library siglum F-PN fonds français 9221


Work number 1.13.1..x.x
Title of movement, tempo NA
Rubric NA

Material description

Parts held Vocal parts
Extent (parts) parts, f.121-122v

Further information

General note NA

Index terms

Subject heading Lai
Language of text French

Related Titles

Parent record 1000000010 Machaut E