Sans cuer m'en vois, dolens et esploures, Amis,... - Ballade; Chace; 3vv, 3 in 1
Name | Guillaume de Machaut (c1300- 1377) |
Standardized title | Sans cuer m'en vois, dolens et esploures, Amis, dolens, maz et desconfortes, Dame, par vous me sens reconfortes |
Subheading | Ballade |
Scoring summary | 3vv, 3 in 1 |
Arrangement statement | Chace |
Title on source | Machaut C |
RISM ID No. | 1000000410 |
Canonic Technique(s)
Type | unison canon: 3 ex 1 |
Imitation interval | unison NA |
Temporal offset | 4 long(s) in o |
Type | resolved canon: 3 ex 1 |
Imitation interval | unison NA |
Temporal offset | 4 breve(s) in NA |
Library information
Library siglum | F-PN fonds français 1586 |
Work number | NA.x.x |
Title of movement, tempo | NA |
Rubric | NA |
Material description
Parts held | Vocal parts |
Extent (parts) | parts, f.198-199 |
Further information
General note | NA |
Index terms
Subject heading | Ballade |
Language of text | French |
Related Titles
Parent record | 1000000009 Machaut C |