=033 ##$a15001600 =001 1000000174 =240 ##$aNA$02 =245 ##$aMS 1209 D =300 ##$amanuscript of polyphony, main scribe was Gaspar de Albertis, who also wrote most of BergBC 1207 and BergBC 1208, two additional scribes, one of whom also wrote ff. 71-81 of BergBC 1207 (CrawGA)., $c565 x 420 =340 ##$dpaper =592 ##$a(1-5) anchor in circle, surmounted by six-pointed star (five different marks, none in Briquet), (6) anchor in circle, (7) flower with eight petals (also found in BergBC 1207), (8) bow and arrow, (9) unidentified =774 ##$w1000001259 =852 ##$aI-BGc$cMS 1209 D$eBiblioteca Civica$x223 =856 ##$uNA$zNA